BranchOut Gets Green Thumb Treatment, Now Spreading Roots in Facebook at Even Faster Pace

BranchOut Gets Green Thumb Treatment, Now Spreading Roots in Facebook at Even Faster Pace

by Todd Pearson, VP Customer Success


Rapid growth isn’t always a good thing. Like a plant that has outgrown its pot and has nowhere to go, companies can sometimes be restrained and stymied by their billing system. But being able to welcome your company’s growth and steer it to long-term success: that’s the sign of a good business. 


Take BranchOut, for example. BranchOut launched in 2010 and in a little over a year, has become
the largest professional network on Facebook with millions of users, over 3 million jobs, and 60
countries represented. But with all of that rapid growth, tangled developed. During its initial launch, BranchOut deployed Salesforce CRM to manage all sales activities, but soon realized that in order for its business to succeed, its subscription billing had to match its growth.

That’s why they turned to Zuora. Using Zuora and Salesforce CRM in tandem has allowed BranchOut’s billing, provisioning and sales departments to automate billing and renewals while staying in synch. With Zuora, BranchOut cut its billing cycle to a quarter of its former time and has also cut the entire sales cycle to a third of its former time. With Zuora’s seamless integration with the DocuSign eSignature solution, BranchOut’s sales team is able to go from verbal agreement to quote to term to contract in less than six hours. That means BranchOut can handle the flood of new recruiters, new potential recruits, and ensure that the two can meet and profit from the relationship.

We like to think that we helped BranchOut get some growth formula, sunlight, and a better pot to help spread its roots. But however you phrase it, we’re excited that Zuora has helped the fastest growing jobs network become even better.


For more details on BranchOut, check out…


BranchOut, Facebook’s Largest Professional Network Uses Zuora to Decrease Sales Cycle


Zuora Serves as Catalyst as BranchOut Spreads Roots


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